Phys Sc 430

Lab 2.3 Creating a Standard Curve


Purpose:         To prepare and use a standard curve to determine from what height an unknown drop of blood fell.





1.      Fill a dropper with fake blood.

2.      Let the blood drip (one drop only) onto a thick, white sheet of paper from a height of 5.0 cm.

3.      Repeat step 2 using heights of 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, and 30.0 cm while making sure that each drop falls on a clean spot on the paper.

4.      Carefully measure the diameter of each drop on the paper to nearest millimetre.




Height (0.1 cm)

Blood drop diameter (1 mm)















  1. Graph height versus blood drop diameter on the graph sheet provided. Be very careful with the scale.
  2. Place error bars on the graph to reflect the uncertainties in measurement.
  3. From what height did the following drop of blood fall? Explain your reasoning.









