Art Department
The objective of the Art program at LaurenHill Academy
is to provide students with a range of experiences in creative expression. Emphasis is placed on developing artistic skills and techniques using a variety of materials.
The Principles and Elements of Design are studied through the exploration of drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, assemblage, portraiture and mixed media. Through the course of the year we work from both observation and the imagination.
An appreciation of art in the students’ immediate environment is explored as well as an introduction to elements of art history.
We strive to provide a space that allows students to hone skills that may or may not fit into other subject areas. The expectation is not that all of our students will become artists, but rather we encourage a greater awareness of the roles that art and artistic expression play in our society.
Art Department Showcase
Bring Your Own Device in the Art Room
Opening Doors to Creativity with Antique Keys
Using graphic and color pencils, students were asked to use antique keys to inspire an original art piece. They first experimented with different shapes of keys and then they were asked to envision what the key could open for them. Each drawing reveals something very personal about each artist. This project was completed in Ms. Morais' senior visual art class.