Drama Department

We are inspired to create,
we are encouraged to perform,
we sit back and appreciate,
Our love for drama is born.
Few other activities allow students to discover who they are and how to relate to others than the performing arts. Through the study of drama, students have a fun and challenging experience while building self-esteem, oral-communication and public-speaking skills. LaurenHill Academy offers Drama as a curricular program to all students and and Musical Theatre as an extra-curricular program to senior students.
Musical Theatre
Senior Extra-Curricular Broadway Musical Theatre
For the last three years, together with a group of dedicated staff members, all of whom volunteer their time after school and on weekends, LaurenHill Academy has produced a large scale Broadway musical as an extra-curricular activity.
This activity has had a very positive impact on our senior students. They improve their self esteem, learn organizational and time management skills, feel more connected to their teachers and their school, learn how to see a demanding project through until the end, develop their performance skills in technical stagecraft, singing, dancing and acting and in turn all of this increases their self confidence in other academic areas.
This type of school wide project also brings together parents, teachers, support staff, administrators and students all working hard together and having a great deal of fun. This is a perfect example of an activity that motivates students to stay in school and directly improves overall academic success rates.